Here you’ll find the testimonials of people who have benefited from the Winning Colors® program.
“As former Superintendent of schools for Saginaw (Michigan), Toledo (Ohio) and Seattle (Washington,) I left education with the goal of bringing people and ideas together in the shared interest of creating a more ideal world for children and youth. Toward this end of creating a more ideal world for children and youth, I have identified people and programs from within the educational establishment and from many sources outside the field of education. One of the finest programs I have become aware of is Winning Colors®.”
Don Steele Enterprises Inc., Don Steele, PhD, President,
“I have used WINNING COLOURS extensively with: Employment Training Groups, Life Skills Groups, Conflict Resolution and Team Building Workshops, Life Skills Coaches, Inmates at Mountain Institution, Chilliwack Hospice Volunteers, Presenter at 1995 Career Education Society Conference. I have attended three training workshops with Stefan Neilson and Shay Thoelke the creators of the process. Of all the training I have received over the past five years, I have found WINNING COLOURS to be the most useful. What I like most about this process is that it is very user friendly and universal. After even a few minutes people are able to assimilate the information, make self discoveries and then use the information to make a positive difference in their communication and in their lives. It can be used in a variety of settings from group homes to management. In fact it can be used wherever people relate and communicate. The possibilities are endless!
Irene Woods, Adult Education, Ed. Centre, S.D. #33 Chilliwack
“We have used the materials with students in classes, teachers in staff development workshops and with community volunteers in leadership seminars. The results were very positive and each participant, both students and adults, felt good about their own behaviors and had a better understand of how to cooperate and communicate better with other students and staff.”
National Dropout Prevention Center, at Clemson University, Dr. Jay Smink, Executive Director.
“Your Characteristics of Excellence topic was of great interest and should prove valuable to our students as they are being prepared for the business world. You are an energetic and dynamic speaker both entertaining and educational in your style of speaking.”
Myra Hayes, Director of Education, United Business College, Santa Monica
“I think any person who wants to improve in communication skills should attend this seminar.”
James Booth, student
Winning Colours is an excellent tool to use with high school students. It is a simple and visual way for them to recognize and understand differences in people, and to reaffirm that these differences are good. They learn more about themselves and their relationships with others, and have a framework with which they can work to improve communications. I use Winning Colours in my CaPP 11 class, definitely not to help students choose careers but to discuss what strengths and weaknesses each “colour” brings to a specific occupation field. (We do discuss how certain colours may gravitate toward certain occupations, but more to understand why that might be so.)
My classes are homogeneous groups–each in a different skill training program. We develop scenarios in which we role play situations such as…………as a Dental Assistant (Automotive Technician) how would you reassure a patient (customer) who seems to be (blue, red, green, brown) and seems to be very distrusting (or nervous) about work that is to be done. What can you say in their language that is meaningful to them?
Using Winning Colours, students can begin to see that they have the power (and should take the responsibility) to make human interactions positive.
Sylvia Peary
Career Technical Centre
Oct. 1998
Your Characteristics of Excellence session with our supervisors and managers was an unqualified success, and much added to the overall impact of our advanced management program. The innovative approach of interweaving videos, music, overheads, humor and audience participation made a dramatic, entertaining, practical, session that was of the high quality that McDonald’s expects and demands in our #1 training program.”
Bob Powelson, Training Manager, McDonald’s, L. A. Region.
I’ve been using Winning Colours in my classroom for the past four years with amazing results. Students are more accepting of each other and even themselves when they understand personality and behaviour styles. Conflicts are easily dealt with when they appreciate personal differences. I find that I more accepting of my students’ behaviour and can find ways to encourage and support them based on their personal needs. I feel that every person should be aware of the power of understanding style through the quick and easily understood process provided by Winning Colours.
Laurna Ritchie
Clearbrook Elementary School
Abbotsford, B.C.
Oct. 1998
“Is it often that you steal the show during a conference? Well you did at our NW Employees Conference! It’s been a long time since I’ve received conference evaluations back with stars andexplanation points around speakers names.”
Debbie Mckinley, Director of Training & Development, Washington Credit Union League
“Shay’s chameleon-like presentations were terrific and, Stefan, your enthusiastic presentation also helped our group get much from the program. I would not hesitate to recommend your program to others.”
James B. McKillip, P. T., Managing Partner, Tetrad & Associates
“Outstanding seminar.”
R. Randolph Reck, DTM, Governor District 52 (Toastmasters) Attorney, Law offices of Alan and Joseph
“Outstanding presentation of the same old stuff. I have attended many seminars including a 6 – day management/supervision workshop for UCLA management (where I worked for 10 years). This presentation is more concise with a concept which seems more applicable than others I have attended.”
Barbara Miller, Sales
“Your presentation on February 3 proved to be one of the most stimulating and informative our chapter had the pleasure to sponsor this year. Even today, the comments I hear are extremely favorable and our evaluation survey confirms this as majority opinion. Comments such as “inspiring,” very helpful, “dynamic,” very effective use of materials and methods, were the norm.”
Shirley A. Brown, Chairperson, Program Committee, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Chapter.
“The extremely favorable response that we have received from the participants has been outstanding!”
Jim Harrison, Executive Director, Lockheed Management Association.
The information presented is logical, relevant to real situations and problems, and apparently one can learn to apply principles set forth”
Bud Dunevant, Director of Transportation, L.A.U. School District
“Informative, useful and professionally presented. The use of video and two speakers enhanced the whole process tremendously. I will recommend it whenever possible.”
Alex Goodman, Owner, National Telemarketing Institute
“Good attention to use of video examples/excerpts to integrate theory. You’ve kept it simple and more people will be to appreciate what you are sharing. You are sharing a lot in a brief period of time.”
Dr. Virgil Beasley, Director, Pacific Training Association; President, National Speaker’s Association, Golden Voice Chapter.
“Well organized, planned. Excellent examples and lots of multi-media input New approach toviewing people’s characteristics.
Mary Rae Fanta, Lecturer Instructor, Mt. St. Mary’s College
“An eye opening, revelation. WOW!! What a tool! Will use it immediately, Can’t wait to get home anddiscuss it with my wife.”
Edwin Dockus, PGMX/ANAL, L. A. Metro Water District
“Normally in a seminar, I can only stay attentive for about 1/2 an hour before getting restless and tired: No matter how good the speaker. Because of the variety of senses which were brought into focus, I stayed attentive throughout the time involved (3 hrs.) Not only attentive, but eager for more information.”
Wendy Foster, Personnel Ass’t, Data Products Corporation
“I found the seminar very enlightening. The materials may be self-evident/just common sense – but we need to be reminded even of the obvious.”
Max Zollman, mechanical Engineer, Southern Calf., R. T. D.
“A great insight into communicating to others. Your points and message on many different levels so others can understand, relate and follow through with your message. A very interesting and effective method of communicating. Thanks for your help! “
Gary Genberg, DC, Chiropractor
“I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar and thought it to be excellent with regard to management skills. I recently completed a BS degree in Business Administration with a management option. This seminar brought my studies to life and also brought them down to a personal level. This seminar would be helpful to would-be managers and managers alike.”
Barry A. Becker, Administrator Assistant, Metro Water District.
“I thought the material was interesting and new. It was organized and presented effectively.”
William Gombar, Manager, Union Oil
“The presentation was thoughtful and well-constructed. I can see how it can be very helpful to supervisors/managers in learning to relate better to their co-workers and workers.”
Anne Sandberg, Personnel Representative, L. A. City Schools
“The system and presentation of ‘Characteristics of Excellence’ is as clear and understandable asany that I have experienced in my 30 years of sales. Therefore the benefits will follow.”
Richard Bubhtz, President, R. C. Bublitz & Associates
“The material was presented in an interesting, intriguing and informative manner. These creative concepts of communication simplify and streamline a great deal of abstruse, recondite material and therefore make it poignant and practical. It is a process of popularizing difficult material, crystallizing and clarifying it.”
George H. Fox, Vice President, Joy Productions
“I was impressed with both Bill and Stefan’s ability to present the objectives in a clear, constructive and enthusiastic manner. A positive experience for growth.”
Barbara Landis, Director community Services, Woodview Calabasas Hospital; President Greater Van Nuys Area Chamber of Commerce
“Takes extremely heavy material and brings it down to simple, easy to understand terms. Besides being a great help to our managers, I feel this could be a tremendous tool for our field force.”
Stephen Pollack, Market Sales Manager, Allstate Insurance Co.
“I now recognize these personality categories and clearly see how communication can be tailored to better relate to certain types of people.”
Bud Gundersen, Engineer, Los Angeles Fire Department
“Excellent information that can be used in every day interaction with people. Stefan, your delivery was very good and your related well with your audience.”
Lydia Boyd, Office Manager, American Cancer Society
“How important it is to develop these skills to improve person to person and person to group communication skills and enhance one’s own image. This seminar has shown how to streamline one’s assessment of an impending or immediate communication to yield the desired results and reduce guesswork.”
Paul W. Allen, National Sale’s Manager, Chastain, Inc.
“Opened up new avenues of thinking and ideas – interesting.”
Jerre Redley, Manager, East Way Travel
“In any business or personal communication these skills presented tonight would be excellent in being one step ahead or on top of any situation that arises.”
Judy Tracy, Training Specialist, St. Luke’s Hospital
“Very understandable – could relate personally – resulted in self-examination and self-awareness. Relaxation segment worthwhile could almost have doubled as a break. Visuals were effective.”
George Kunze, District Governor, Toastmaster’s District One
“I found it very rewarding and because I enjoy making the whole greater than all the parts will use. Thank you. I found the presentation excellent. Will help me with my professional and toastmaster career. It has also given me insight into me.”
Charles E. Smith, Energy Consultant, Coldwell Banker
“Very interesting information about the brain and how it works in the communication process.”
John Osbome, Manager, Hughes Aircraft
“I found the information exciting and useful not only for my business relationship but for my personal relationships as well.”
Bill Shainbert Mail Clerk, Texaco
“I think that the information is valuable, and the presentation effective. The seminar was well-paced, and contained the right combination of presentation and participation. It whets one’s appetite for the extensions hinted at – listening training, assertiveness training, etc.”
Katherine E. Bloom, Staff Accountant, Cooper and Lybrand
“It was great! I have learned so much in this morning’s seminar. The information that I gather today I can even use for my Master’s thesis that I am writing now.”
Miguel Caincho, Environmental Planner, Caltrans
“Very straightforward, easy to understand presentations – making a facet of the communication process easy to grasp.”
J. R. Romanello, Instructor, Litton Data Systems
“This has been fascinating. I find myself thinking of various people in my milieu, what words I should use in communicating with them, understanding what their characteristics are, how better to work with the people in the office I manage. Very worthwhile. I’m sure I’ll be identifying and using these ideas for sometime to come.”
Virginia Worchester, Manager, DeHaas Realty
“The seminar reduces communications to its simplest elements, in a manner that is easily understood and readily put into practice. It brings people (participants) back to the basics without offending anyone because of their position, title, experience or emotional background. It is solidly based on psychological and teaching fundamentals. An excellent tool.”
Vincent W. Hedges, Director of Studio Services, Burbank Studios
“The presentation was thoughtful and well-constructed. I can see how it can be very helpful to supervisors/managers in leaning to relate better to their co-workers and workers.”
Anne Sandberg, Personnel Representative, L. A. City Schools
“Introduction of positive terms to identify communication styles offers useful tool and guidance that can be incorporated into all aspects of daily life.”
C. Munson, Sr. Engineer Writer, Litton Data Systems
“I have found these ideas well formulated and presented in an effective manner. This can open the gates to effective communications in the work place.”
Floyd D. Cooley, Management Advisor, APICS
“Interesting and most worthwhile. Thought provoking.”
Pat Ivey, Special Education Teacher, Monrovia High
“I thought the seminar was quite interesting and wished I had more time to get deeply involved with more details. This will be quite helpful in my day to day routine.”
Einily Colver, Secretary, USAF
“An excellent and short seminar in communications aids. It teaches the language your associates respond to so that you may better communicate with and motivate them.”
David Cretof, Salesman, Schneider Commercial Real Estate
“Found through this seminar, another aspect of understanding people, their differences and their strengths.”
Gordon Lippman, Engineering Manager, ITT Gilfillan
“The seminar was very enlightening. It made one aware of some people attributes that I was not consciously aware of, or noticed in my interaction with people.”
Larry Beasley, Account Executive, Crocker Bank
“I enjoyed the seminar thoroughly. Learned a lot about the 4 Characteristics of Excellence in such a short time. Mr. Stefan Neilson did an excellent presentation. Best seminar I have attended, complete with all video and audio materials.”
Ching Coronal, Lead Operator, Word Processing, Trans America
“This seminar was interesting and informative. These exercisers and training should be especially helpful for sales people and business managers. I felt the video illustrations were especially helpful in illustrating the concepts.”
Lowell McMchan, Sr. Design Engineer, ITT Gilfillan
“I have attended many seminars and this one has a completely different approach. Excellent!! I think its very thought provoking and I’m sure very successful.”
Fred Halper, Owner, Creative Financing Co.
“Really valuable material for good and effective interpersonal relationships and well presented. Enjoyed the use of visuals for examples of characteristics. The relaxation technique was great – it worked! Thank you Stefan and Bill!! I will be happy to recommend your program.”
Nan Newman, Secretary, The Pace Organization
“I have heard nothing but positive feedback relative to the “Winning Colors®” concept and many of our people are still applying these principles in selecting new management personnel and crew members, as well as in the day-to-day interactions on the job dealing more effectively with existing employees.”
McDonald’s Corporation, Larry Adams Regional Training Manager, Michigan Region State conference.