Leadership Training and Resources

Dr. Rice graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree (cum laude) in Education from the University of Georgia. She earned a Master of Science degree in Counseling and Human Development from Troy University and her Ph.D. in Education from Capella University. DR Consulting serves commercial, government, non-profit and education organizations where leaders are interested in investing in the latest trends in technology, distance learning, education, research, personal and professional growth, and training.  She integrates state of the art programs such as Winning Colors® and Conover Company resources such as the Personal Skills® and Responsibility Maps®, learning styles inventories, and many other tools and strategies to create exciting and relevant curriculum and training.  Donna Rice works with a team of experts who can respond to clients with the best solutions available.  Much of her training and curriculum has been evaluated for college credit through accredited universities.  She teaches education and research courses for several universities and serves on multiple boards to help organizations grow and prosper.

Healthy, productive personal and professional relationships and mastery of effective negotiation techniques are very possible and easily duplicated.  Applying successful people skills does not have to be elusive nor does it have to be difficult to attain.  All that is needed is a map and tools to reach any destination.

Winning Colors

This is a program that breaks down complicated inter- and intra-personal concepts into a simple but profound common language that can be used in everyday communications.  Proficiency is almost effortlessly achieved and the advantages of acquiring and using it are limitless.  The Winning Colors® resources are available from this website through an agreement with the creator, Stefan Neilson, MA.


The latest workshops were conducted to support the National Middle School Cadet Corps curriculum implementation in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Garden City, KS, Richmond, VA, and Fort Worth, TX.  She also conducts workshops to support other education and training programs at conferences and organizational settings.  She most recently presented College Success 101 at the DOD Worldwide Education Symposium, Las Vegas, NV and Behavior Identification at the Emotional Intelligence Research Institute, San Antonio, TX.

Online Store

Visit our online store to purchase many items related to our Workshops, including books, cards, and booklets. We also offer mail and phone options, in addition to an introductory offer.